Imaging of brain tumors in children: the basics-a narrative review

Transl Pediatr. 2021 Apr;10(4):1138-1168. doi: 10.21037/tp-20-285.


Primary pediatric brain tumors comprise a broad group of neoplasm subtypes that can be categorized based on their histological and molecular features according to the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of central nervous system (CNS) tumors. The majority of the pediatric brain tumors demonstrate a singular preference for this age group and have a unique molecular profile. The separation of certain tumor entities, including different types of embryonal tumors, low-grade gliomas, and high-grade gliomas, may have a significant impact by guiding appropriate treatment for these children and potentially changing their outcomes. Currently, the focus of the imaging diagnostic studies is to follow the molecular updates, searching for potential imaging patterns that translate this information in molecular profile results, therefore helping the final diagnosis. Due to the high impact of accurate diagnosis in this context, the scientific community has presented extensive research on imaging pediatric tumors in recent years. This article summarizes the key characteristics of the imaging features of the most common primary childhood brain tumors, categorizing them according to the recent WHO classification update, which is based on each of their molecular profiles. The purpose of this review article is to familiarize radiologists with their key imaging features and thereby improve diagnostic accuracy.

Keywords: Pediatric brain tumors; World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 classification; molecular profiles; neuroimaging.

Publication types

  • Review