Probing charge pumping and relaxation of the chiral anomaly in a Dirac semimetal

Sci Adv. 2021 Apr 16;7(16):eabg0914. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg0914. Print 2021 Apr.


The linear band crossings of 3D Dirac and Weyl semimetals are characterized by a charge chirality, the parallel or antiparallel locking of electron spin to its momentum. These materials are believed to exhibit an E · B chiral magnetic effect that is associated with the near conservation of chiral charge. Here, we use magneto-terahertz spectroscopy to study epitaxial Cd3As2 films and extract their conductivities σ(ω) as a function of E · B. As field is applied, we observe a markedly sharp Drude response that rises out of the broader background. Its appearance is a definitive signature of a new transport channel and consistent with the chiral response, with its spectral weight a measure of the net chiral charge and width a measure of the scattering rate between chiral species. The field independence of the chiral relaxation establishes that it is set by the approximate conservation of the isospin that labels the crystalline point-group representations.