RNAStructViz: graphical base pairing analysis

Bioinformatics. 2021 Oct 25;37(20):3660-3661. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab197.


Summary: We present a new graphical tool for RNA secondary structure analysis. The central feature is the ability to visually compare/contrast up to three base pairing configurations for a given sequence in a compact, standardized circular arc diagram layout. This is complemented by a built-in CT-style file viewer and radial layout substructure viewer which are directly linked to the arc diagram window via the zoom selection tool. Additional functionality includes the computation of some numerical information, and the ability to export images and data for later use. This tool should be of use to researchers seeking to better understand similarities and differences between structural alternatives for an RNA sequence.

Availability and implementation: https://github.com/gtDMMB/RNAStructViz/wiki.