The Key Role of Strategically and People-Oriented HRM in Hospitals in Slovakia in the Context of Their Organizational Performance

Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Mar 1;9(3):255. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9030255.


The main objective and purpose of our paper is to verify the positive congruence between the synergistic effect of the mixed roles of human resources management departments in healthcare facilities and their organizational performance. Such congruence is mediated by means of a transformational leadership style and information sharing. The research was carried out on a sample of 44 hospitals in the Slovak Republic, which are included in the ranking according to a comprehensive indicator of their performance (medical and non-medical). Data were obtained using a questionnaire for 44 top managers from these hospitals. Mediation was used as a tool to examine the relevant variables relationship mechanism. All data was analyzed using the SPSS 24.0 software package with the help of selected analytical tools. A series of regression analysis were used to identify the proposed hypotheses. ANOVA was used to analyze the multiple dependence. We worked at a significance level of 5%. The main conclusion of our study is the significant impact of the implementation of the new-mixed role of human resources management departments on organizational performance. Another finding is that the direct effect between the two variables examined is more significant than the mediated effect. This means that if management unambiguously declares and implements the policy of mixed roles of human resources management departments, less influence from the mediator-transformational leadership is sufficient to transmit the effect of this variable onto organizational performance. Completed specialization studies in the field of management play a significant role in the studied relationships.

Keywords: healthcare; human resources management; information sharing; management; mixed human resources management roles; organizational performance; transformational leadership.