The physics of conservation culturomics: the mass-energy-information equivalence principle to address misrepresented controversies

Heliyon. 2021 Feb 25;7(2):e06333. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06333. eCollection 2021 Feb.


The application of the mass-energy-information equivalence principle developed after the experimentally demonstrated Landauer's principle on thermodynamics, entropy, and information is an unexplored but promising path in search of objectivity and compatibility between strict physical and mathematical entities and relative human behavior in biodiversity conservation issues. Conservation culturomics is proposed as the epistemic methodology and programme to trace the evolution in cultural human-nature relationships. Historically, controversies do persist between pro- vs. non- environmental opinions and policies. The proposed combination of physics and culturomics is feasible, although complex, multileveled, and depending on a series of academic, technical, and political prerequisites. In the era of staggering information technologies, Internet use proliferation and cultural relativism, reliable information on conservation knowledge vs. often unfounded story-tellings is a sine qua non for the development of badly needed modern global conservation strategies, targets, and goals.

Keywords: Conservation culturomics; Energy; Information; Mass; Public interest.