RGB-color forward-viewing spectrally encoded endoscope using three orders of diffraction

Biomed Opt Express. 2021 Jan 26;12(2):1036-1049. doi: 10.1364/BOE.415852. eCollection 2021 Feb 1.


Spectrally encoded endoscopy (SEE) is an ultra-miniature endoscopy technology that encodes each spatial location on the sample with a different wavelength. One challenge in SEE is achieving color imaging with a small probe. We present a novel SEE probe that is capable of conducting real-time RGB imaging using three diffraction orders (6th order diffraction of the blue spectrum, 5th of green, and 4th of red). The probe was comprised of rotating 0.5 mm-diameter illumination optics inside a static, 1.2 mm-diameter flexible sheath with a rigid distal length of 5 mm containing detection fibers. A color chart, resolution target, and swine tissue were imaged. The device achieved 44k/59k/23k effective pixels per R/G/B channels over a 58° angular field and differentiated a wide gamut of colors.