The variations of surface wetness recorded by multi-proxies in Yuanchi peatland of the Changbai Mountains from 1962 to 2008

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. 2021 Feb;32(2):477-485. doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202102.008.


Surface wetness of Yuanchi peatland in the Changbai Mountains were reconstructed by comprehensive analysis on plant residue, testate amoeba and humification, using the age-depth model established with AMS 14C and 137Cs dating methods. The response of surface wetness to climate change was addressed. Results showed that plant residues in the top 50 cm of peat sequence were dominated by mosses. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of plant residue revealed that axis 1 of DCA biplot might represent mire surface wetness (MSW). MSW from 1962 to 2008 as indicated by axis 1 scores of DCA on plant residue were compared with depths to water table derived by testate amoebae-DWT transfer function and humification measurements, and the results showed that the trends of MSW reconstructed by three proxies were largely consistent. They were wetter MSW from 40-50 cm (1962 to 1975), 27-40 cm (fluctuating from wet to dry from 1975 to 1987), and 0-27 cm (drier from 1987 to 2008). Compared with instrumental data from nearby Erdao weather station, the reconstructed MSW was basically consistent with temperature change in this period. The decreases of MSW occurred when mean summer temperature and mean annual temperature were higher than long-term mean value. Our results suggest that the variability in MSW in the recent 46 years predominantly responded weakening of effective precipitation induced by increasing temperature.

使用AMS 14C和137Cs方法建立年代序列,通过植物残体、有壳变形虫和腐殖化度3个指标的综合分析,重建了长白山园池泥炭地地表的湿度变化,并探讨其对气候的响应。结果表明: 园池泥炭地地表50 cm泥炭植物残体以藓类为主,利用去趋势对应分析(DCA)发现,第一轴得分代表沼泽表面湿度变化,将植物残体揭示的1962—2008 A.D.间泥炭地地表湿度与有壳变形虫-水位间转换函数得到的水位埋深以及腐殖化度进行对比,发现植物残体、有壳变形虫和腐殖化度揭示的沼泽表面湿度变化总体趋势一致,即40~50 cm层(1962—1975 A.D.)湿度较大;27~40 cm层(1975—1987 A.D.)湿度变小,处于干湿交替期;0~27 cm层(1987—2008 A.D.)湿度较小。将3种指标重建的地表湿度与二道气象站数据对比发现,气候代用指标揭示的沼泽地表湿度变化与温度的变化趋势基本吻合,沼泽地地表湿度降低发生在夏季温度和年均温偏高的年份。由此推测,近46年来沼泽地地表湿度变化主要是对温度升高引起的有效降水减弱的响应。.

Keywords: Changbai Mountains; humification; hydrological climate; plant residue; testate amoebae.

MeSH terms

  • Amoeba*
  • Biodiversity
  • Groundwater*
  • Seasons
  • Soil


  • Soil