The role of chemotherapy in patients with T1bN0M0 triple-negative breast cancer: a real-world competing risk analysis

J Cancer. 2021 Jan 1;12(1):10-17. doi: 10.7150/jca.52540. eCollection 2021.


The objective of the present study was to implement Kaplan-Meier analysis, competing risk analysis, and propensity score matching to evaluate whether the patients with T1bN0M0 triple-negative breast (TNBC) could benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. A total of 1849 patients were identified in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database from 2010 to 2015. All eligible patients were divided into two cohorts, the chemotherapy (1155 patients) and the no-chemotherapy (694 patients) cohorts. Similar 5-year breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) was observed in the chemotherapy and no-chemotherapy cohorts (96.1% vs. 96.0%, p=0.820). The results of the competing risk analysis showed a comparable 5-year breast cancer-specific death (BCSD) in both groups (chemotherapy 3.6% vs. no-chemotherapy 3.4%, p=0.778). Also, a higher 5-year other causes death (OCD) was observed in the no-chemotherapy cohort (0.7% vs. 5.4%, p<0.001). Multivariable competing risks regression models showed no association between chemotherapy and BCSS (HR, 1.21; 95%CI, 0.64-2.31; p=0.560). After 1:1 PSM, no significant difference was also observed for BCSD and OCD between two cohorts. The value of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with T1bN0M0 TNBC is less than the present guidelines recommend, suggesting that de-escalated treatment could be a potentially beneficial strategy in appropriately selected patients.

Keywords: T1bN0M0 breast cancer; chemotherapy; survival analysis; triple-negative breast cancer.