Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography based on U-net network

Opt Express. 2020 Dec 21;28(26):39299-39310. doi: 10.1364/OE.398083.


The compressive ultrafast photography (CUP) has achieved real-time femtosecond imaging based on the compressive-sensing methods. However, the reconstruction performance usually suffers from artifacts brought by strong noise, aberration, and distortion, which prevents its applications. We propose a deep compressive ultrafast photography (DeepCUP) method. Various numerical simulations have been demonstrated on both the MNIST and UCF-101 datasets and compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms. The result shows that our DeepCUP has a superior performance in both PSNR and SSIM compared to previous compressed-sensing methods. We also illustrate the outstanding performance of the proposed method under system errors and noise in comparison to other methods.