Data sets on human histone interaction networks

Data Brief. 2020 Nov 21:33:106555. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106555. eCollection 2020 Dec.


Here, we present the data of human histone interactomes generated and analysed in the research article by Peng et al., 2020 [1]. The histone interactome data provide a comprehensive mapping of human histone/nucleosome interaction networks by using different data sources from the structural, chemical cross-linking, and high-throughput studies. The histone interactions are presented at different levels of granularity in networks, including protein, domain, and residue-levels. All human histone interactome Cytoscape session files are available at

Keywords: Histone interaction; Histone variant; Interaction network; Interactome; Nucleosome interaction.