The nurse in the mirror: Image of the female nurse during the Italian fascist period

J Adv Nurs. 2021 Feb;77(2):957-972. doi: 10.1111/jan.14679. Epub 2020 Nov 27.


Aims: To describe the image of the female Licensed Nurse in Italy as promoted by the Fascist party from 1939-1943 and to understand how gender stereotypes influenced the construction of this image.

Design: Mixed methods design.

Method: The study started in 2016 and ended in 2019. In the qualitative phase, the primary source was analysis, following Chabod's historical method (2012), while the quantitative phase involved statistical analysis of textual data.

Data sources: All data came from the only nursing category magazine of the time: 'L'Infermiera Italiana' (The Italian Nurse), published from 1939-1943.

Results: From 112 articles analysed, the gradual elevation of the nurse emerged, including the partial replacement of 'old' nurses with Graduate Nurses. The analysis shows the maturation in structure, differentiation and specification, together with the birth of a new professional image. The accepted image of the nurse was now a woman of high moral character with religious ideals, but less known for her technical skills, an exception being the Visiting Health Assistant who functioned at a high level in the society.

Conclusions: The study shows an articulated, congruent and cohesive set of dimensions through which to review history and to understand the dynamics underlying the structuring of the nurse's professional image.

Impact: A better understanding of the dynamics behind the development of the professional image will guide present and future actions on gender stereotypes and their negative effects on the safety and quality of nursing care. International synergies and alliances are required.

目的: 描述1939年至1943年期间法西斯政党在意大利宣传的持照女护士的形象,并推断性别刻板印象是如何影响这一形象的构建的。 设计: 采用混合方法。 方法: 本研究始于2016年,结束于2019年。在定性阶段,主要是根据Chabod历史分析法(2012年)进行分析,而在定量阶段,则是对文本数据进行统计分析。 数据来源: 所有数据都来自于该时期唯一的一本护士类杂志:《意大利护士》(‘L'Infermiera Italiana’),仅选取了1939年到1943年间出版的期刊。 结果: 从112篇文章的分析中可以发现,护士的水平在逐步提升,部分“老”护士已经被从专门院校毕业的护士所取代。分析也表明,整个护理行业在结构、分化和规范方面已经成熟,一个全新的职业形象正在诞生。当今人们心中公认的护士形象就是一个具有高尚道德品格和崇高宗教理想的女性,然而人们对于护士的专业能力却知之甚少。唯一的一个例外就是在社会中有较高社会地位的客座健康助理。 结论: 本研究展示了一个清晰的、一致的、紧密联系的维度集,并从中回顾了历史的发展和明确了构建护士专业形象背后的动力来源。 影响: 在应对性别刻板印象及其对护理行业安全高质发展产生的负面影响方面,对护士专业形象发展背后动力的更全面了解,将能更好地指导人们当前以及未来所采取的行动。同时需要国际协作和国际联盟。.

Keywords: fascism; gender; historical research; image; licensed nurse; stereotypes.

MeSH terms

  • Female
  • Humans
  • Italy
  • Nurse's Role*