Machine learning forecasting of active nematics

Soft Matter. 2021 Jan 21;17(3):738-747. doi: 10.1039/d0sm01316a. Epub 2020 Nov 21.


Active nematics are a class of far-from-equilibrium materials characterized by local orientational order of force-generating, anisotropic constitutes. Traditional methods for predicting the dynamics of active nematics rely on hydrodynamic models, which accurately describe idealized flows and many of the steady-state properties, but do not capture certain detailed dynamics of experimental active nematics. We have developed a deep learning approach that uses a Convolutional Long-Short-Term-Memory (ConvLSTM) algorithm to automatically learn and forecast the dynamics of active nematics. We demonstrate our purely data-driven approach on experiments of 2D unconfined active nematics of extensile microtubule bundles, as well as on data from numerical simulations of active nematics.