CircHIPK3: a promising cancer-related circular RNA

Am J Transl Res. 2020 Oct 15;12(10):6694-6704. eCollection 2020.


Circular RNA (circRNA) is a special type of endogenous noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), and are characterized by a covalently closed loop structure without a 5' cap and poly-adenylated tails. Abnormal expression of circRNAs has been implicated in a wide range of human cancers, where they function as either tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes. CircHIPK3, circRNA homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 3, is associated with human cancers such as lung cancer, bladder cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, colorectal cancer, osteosarcoma, glioma and prostate cancer, et al. Numerous studies have indicated that circHIPK3 functions as a miRNA sponge to regulate the target genes and exert specific biological effects, including regulation of cell proliferation, invasion, and migration. Furthermore, circHIPK3 is thought to be a novel diagnostic biomarker, therapeutic target, and prognostic biomarker in different cancer types. Here, we reviewed the recent progress of the mechanism and functions of circHIPK3 during the evolution of malignancies.

Keywords: Circular RNA; HIPK3; cancer; microRNA sponge.

Publication types

  • Review