Aging Is Positively Associated with Peri-Sinus Lymphatic Space Volume: Assessment Using 3T Black-Blood MRI

J Clin Med. 2020 Oct 19;9(10):3353. doi: 10.3390/jcm9103353.


Objectives: Aging is a major risk factor for many neurological disorders and is associated with dural lymphatic dysfunction. We sought to evaluate the association of aging with the volume of the peri-sinus lymphatic space using contrast-enhanced 3T T1-weighted black-blood magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Methods: In this retrospective study, 165 presumed neurologically normal subjects underwent brain MRIs for cancer staging between April and November 2018. The parasagittal peri-sinus lymphatic space was evaluated using contrast-enhanced 3D T1-weighted black-blood MRIs, and volumes were measured with semiautomatic method. We compared the volumes of normalized peri-sinus lymphatic spaces between the elderly (≥65 years, n = 72) and non-elderly (n = 93) groups and performed multivariate logistic regression analyses to assess if aging is independently associated with the volume of normalized peri-sinus lymphatic spaces.

Results: The normalized peri-sinus lymphatic space volume was significantly higher in the elderly than in the non-elderly (mean, 3323 ± 758.7 mL vs. 2968.7 ± 764.3 mL, p = 0.047). After adjusting the intracranial volume, age age was the strongest factor independently associated with peri-sinus lymphatic space volume (β coefficient, 28.4 (5.7-51.2), p = 0.015) followed by male sex (β coefficient, 672.4 (113.5-1230.8), p = 0.019).

Conclusions: We found that the peri-sinus dural lymphatic space volume was higher in the elderly group than in the non-elderly group, and the increased peri-sinus lymphatic space was independently associated with aging. These findings indicate that the peri-sinus lymphatic space may be related with the aging process and lymphatic system dysfunction as well.

Keywords: dural lymphatics; glymphatic system; magnetic resonance imaging; meninges.