Association between the pri-miR-26a-1 rs7372209 C>T polymorphism and cancer susceptibility: multivariate analysis and trial sequential analysis

Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Oct 14;12(19):19060-19072. doi: 10.18632/aging.103696. Epub 2020 Oct 14.


MiR-26 has been suggested to play a tumor-suppressive role in cancer development, which could be influenced by the mutate pri-miR-26ª-1. Molecular epidemiological studies have demonstrated some inconsistent associations between pri-miR-26ª-1 rs7372209 C>T polymorphism and cancer risk. We therefore performed this meta-analysis with multivariate statistic method to comprehensively evaluate the associations between rs7372209 C>T polymorphism and cancer risk. Eleven publications involving 6,709 patients and 6,514 controls were identified. Multivariate analysis indicated that the over-dominant genetic model was most likely. Pooled results indicated no significant association in the overall population (CC+TT vs. CT: OR=1.08, 95%CI=0.96-1.22, P=0.20, I2=54.4%), as well as the subgroup analysis according to ethnicity, control source, tumor locations, and HWE status of controls. In addition, heterogeneity, accumulative, sensitivity analysis, publication bias and trial sequential analysis (TSA) were conducted to test the statistical power. Overall, our results indicated that the pri-miR-26a-1 rs7372209 C>T polymorphism may not be a potential risk for cancer development.

Keywords: cancer; multivariate analysis; polymorphism; pri-miR-26a-1; trial sequential analysis.