Posterior cruciate ligament research output in asian countries from 2009 - 2019: A systematic review

Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2020 Sep 12:59:76-80. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2020.09.006. eCollection 2020 Nov.


Purpose: This study aimed to determine the number of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) publications performed in Asian countries and to identify factors associated with research output in this region.

Materials and methods: Searches of existing academic journal articles were performed using PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Library from January 1, 2009 until December 31, 2019.

Results: A total of 265 articles were published in the last 10 years in Asian countries, with an increase in publications after 2010 and an average of 26 articles every year. More than half (70%) of the articles were published in journals with an impact factor (IF) ≥1. The majority of the publications were cohort studies (27%), followed by case reports (16%), systematic reviews/meta-analyses (2.6%), laboratory studies (1.8%), and case-control studies (1.5%). South Korea and China had the most PCL publications, and most authors were from South Korea.

Conclusion: The PCL research output in Asia is low in quantity but high in quality publications, and the majority of publications come from South Korea, China and Japan, with most being cohort studies and case reports.

Keywords: Asian countries; PCL; Posterior cruciate ligament; Research output.

Publication types

  • Review