A Therapeutic Model for Supporting Families of Children with a Chronic Illness or Disability

Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2003 Sep;8(3):125-130. doi: 10.1111/1475-3588.00058.


Background: A therapeutic model for supporting families of children with a chronic illness or disability is described. The model presupposes that the chronic illness and/or disability of a child constitutes a trauma for the entire family.

Method: This paper describes a therapeutic model currently in practice and links it back to psychological dynamics addressed through the clinical interventions and the principles that underlie the model of service.

Results: Service delivery comprises the interventions; counselling, psychological first aid, projects, peer groups, parent mentoring, social events and community education. The model is family centred, non-illness specific, preventative, non-linear and flexible.

Conclusions: The interventions offered in the model aim to address the psychological dynamics of hope, empowerment, reconnection, coping/resilience and reframing.

Keywords: Chronic illness; child; counselling; disability; family; trauma.