Renal Cell Tumors: Uncovering the Biomarker Potential of ncRNAs

Cancers (Basel). 2020 Aug 7;12(8):2214. doi: 10.3390/cancers12082214.


Renal cell tumors (RCT) remain as one of the most common and lethal urological tumors worldwide. Discrimination between (1) benign and malignant disease, (2) indolent and aggressive tumors, and (3) patient responsiveness to a specific therapy is of major clinical importance, allowing for a more efficient patient management. Nonetheless, currently available tools provide limited information and novel strategies are needed. Over the years, a putative role of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) as disease biomarkers has gained relevance and is now one of the most prolific fields in biological sciences. Herein, we extensively sought the most significant reports on ncRNAs as potential RCTs' diagnostic, prognostic, predictive, and monitoring biomarkers. We could conclude that ncRNAs, either alone or in combination with currently used clinical and pathological parameters, might represent key elements to improve patient management, potentiating the implementation of precision medicine. Nevertheless, most ncRNA biomarkers require large-scale validation studies, prior to clinical implementation.

Keywords: Renal cell tumors; biomarkers; diagnosis; liquid biopsies; lncRNA; miRNA; non-coding RNAs; prognosis; renal cell carcinoma.

Publication types

  • Review