Two-Photon Voltage Imaging of Spontaneous Activity from Multiple Neurons Reveals Network Activity in Brain Tissue

iScience. 2020 Aug 21;23(8):101363. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101363. Epub 2020 Jul 12.


Recording the electrical activity of multiple neurons simultaneously would greatly facilitate studies on the function of neuronal circuits. The combination of the fast scanning by random-access multiphoton microscopy (RAMP) and the latest two-photon-compatible high-performance fluorescent genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) has enabled action potential detection in deep layers in in vivo brain. However, neuron connectivity analysis on optically recorded action potentials from multiple neurons in brain tissue has yet to be achieved. With high expression of a two-photon-compatible GEVI, ASAP3, via in utero electroporation and RAMP, we achieved voltage recording of spontaneous activities from multiple neurons in brain slice. We provide evidence for the developmental changes in intralaminar horizontal connections in somatosensory cortex layer 2/3 with a greater sensitivity than calcium imaging. This method thus enables investigation of neuronal network connectivity at the cellular resolution in brain tissue.

Keywords: Cellular Neuroscience; Developmental Neuroscience; Optical Imaging; Techniques in Neuroscience.