Setting of maximum residue levels for cyantraniliprole in raspberries and blackberries

EFSA J. 2017 Nov 22;15(11):e05061. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.5061. eCollection 2017 Nov.


In accordance with Article 53 of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009, the United Kingdom granted a 120-day emergency authorisation for the use of cyantraniliprole in raspberries and blackberries. In order to accommodate for the new uses, the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board submitted an application to raise the existing maximum residue level (MRL) for the crops concerned. The United Kingdom, as evaluating Member State, summarised the data provided by the applicant in an evaluation report which was submitted to the European Commission and forwarded to EFSA. Sufficient residue trials are available to derive an MRL proposal of 0.9 mg/kg for raspberries and blackberries grown under indoor/greenhouse conditions. For the NEU outdoor use on raspberries/blackberries, the available information was insufficient to derive an MRL proposal. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of cyantraniliprole in the commodities under consideration. Based on the risk assessment results, EFSA concluded that intake of residues resulting from the use of cyantraniliprole according to the reported agricultural practices (indoor/greenhouse use) is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.

Keywords: MRL; blackberries; consumer risk assessment; cyantraniliprole; pesticide; raspberries.