Structural and spectroscopic investigations of nine-coordinate redox active lanthanide complexes with a pincer O,N,O ligand

Dalton Trans. 2020 Jun 23;49(24):8238-8246. doi: 10.1039/d0dt01388a.


The lanthanide complexes EuL3, GdL3, YbL3 and LuL3 of the N,N'-bis(2-hydroxy-di-3,5-tert-butylphenyl)amine were prepared. The X-Ray crystal structures of GdL3 and LuL3 demonstrated a nine-coordinate sphere with three ligand molecules under their anionic diamagnetic form (Cat-N-BQ)-. The complexes showed three oxidation events (Eox11/2 = 0.15-0.16 V, E1/22 = 0.51-55 V, and E1/23 = 0.75-0.78 V vs. Fc+/Fc) via cyclic voltammetry, corresponding to the successive oxidation of the aminophenolate moeities to iminosemiquinone species. The complexes GdL3 and YbL3 were characterized by EPR spectroscopy, allowing for the determination of the zero field splitting (ZFS) parameters in the first case. The monocations (LnL3)+ and monoanions (LnL3)- were electrochemically generated (Ln = Eu, Gd, Yb, Lu), as well as the dications YbL32+ and LuL32+. The spins are antiferromagnetically exchange coupled in the diradical species LuL32+ (|D| = 260 MHz, E = 0). All the complexes (incl. neutral) possess a strong absorption band in the NIR region (730-840 nm, ε > 19 mM-1 cm-1) corresponding to ligand-based transitions.