Enhancing a Successful Pregnancy and Delivery After ICSI in Advanced-Age Woman with Concurrent Disorders: A Case Report

J Reprod Infertil. 2020 Apr-Jun;21(2):146-150.


Background: The objective of this case presentation was describing a live birth in an advanced-age woman with an extremely enlarged uterus, an ovary with blocked fallopian tubes, hypothyroidism and generalized anxiety disorder caused by child-birth following intracytoplasmic sperm injection/embryo transfer (ICSI-ET) with autologous oocytes.

Case presentation: A 47-year-old patient with an enlarged uterus due to recurrent multiple fibroids following myomectomy was referred to clinical laboratory with a high level of desire to follow the prescribed recommendations and approaches to retrieve her fertility. The patient underwent two cycles of oocyte retrieval and two rounds of frozen-thawed embryo transfer. To achieve a successful pregnancy after oocyte retrieval (birth weight of 3300 g at 38 weeks of gestation), a frozen/thawed embryo in the second cycle of ET was transferred.

Conclusion: Usage of efficient planning and management of ICSI treatments in patient with autologous oocytes and concurrent disorders, can be used as a new approach to cure the affected individuals.

Keywords: Advanced maternal age; Autologous oocytes; Embryo transfer; Intracytoplasmic sperm injection; Live birth.

Publication types

  • Case Reports