Utilizing Mixed Methodology to Increase Cultural Competency in Research with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals

Transgend Health. 2020 Mar 16;5(1):69-73. doi: 10.1089/trgh.2019.0057. eCollection 2020 Mar 1.


Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals experience increased risk to mental and physical health concerns based on minority stress variables, including discrimination, internalized stigma, and expectations of violence. Research in this area displays a disconnect between provider and TGNC individuals seeking care. This study sought to improve cultural competency in research with TGNC individuals, with the ultimate goal to further explore cultural competency factors in work with TGNC individuals in research and clinically. Mixed methods research was conducted with trans masculine, trans feminine, and nonbinary identifying individuals to pilot survey measures before administration in a larger study.

Keywords: TGNC; cultural competency; gender nonconforming; mixed methods research; pilot research; transgender.