Normal reference intervals for cardiac dimensions and function for use in echocardiographic practice: a guideline from the British Society of Echocardiography

Echo Res Pract. 2020 Mar 20;7(1):X1. doi: 10.1530/ERP-19-0050.


The authors and journal apologise for errors in the above paper, which appeared in the March 2020 issue of Echo Research and Practice (volume 7, pages G1–G18, The errors relate to values given in Table 2 on page G6. The original text gave the Male moderate LVIDd LV dimension as 61–65 mm, the Male mild LVIDs LV dimension as 41–45 mm and the Female mild LVMi LV mass as 98–115 g/m2. This should have stated that the Male moderate LVIDd LV dimension is 62–65 mm, the Male mild LVIDs LV dimension is 42–45 mm and the Female mild LVMi LV mass is 100–115 g/m2. The corrected Table 2 is given in full below:

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