Proximity-induced caspase-9 activation on a DNA origami-based synthetic apoptosome

Nat Catal. 2020 Mar;3(3):295-306. doi: 10.1038/s41929-019-0403-7. Epub 2020 Jan 6.


Living cells regulate key cellular processes by spatial organisation of catalytically active proteins in higher-order signalling complexes. These act as organising centres to facilitate proximity-induced activation and inhibition of multiple intrinsically weakly associating signalling components, which makes elucidation of the underlying protein-protein interactions challenging. Here we show that DNA origami nanostructures provide a programmable molecular platform for the systematic analysis of signalling proteins by engineering a synthetic DNA origami-based version of the apoptosome, a multi-protein complex that regulates apoptosis by co-localizing multiple caspase-9 monomers. Tethering of both wildtype and inactive caspase-9 variants to a DNA origami platform demonstrates that enzymatic activity is induced by proximity-driven dimerization with half-of-sites reactivity, and additionally, reveals a multivalent activity enhancement in oligomers of three and four enzymes. Our results offer fundamental insights in caspase-9 activity regulation and demonstrate that DNA origami-based protein assembly platforms have the potential to inform the function of other multi-enzyme complexes involved in inflammation, innate immunity and cell death.