
In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Ropinirole is a drug that targets D2 receptors to manage Parkinson disease (PD) and restless leg syndrome. As a dopamine agonist, it acts on G-protein-coupled inhibitory neurons, inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and calcium channels while activating potassium channels. This mechanism maximizes the "on" time and minimizes the "off" time associated with disease progression, making ropinirole an attractive option for managing early and advanced-stage PD. Beyond its primary indications, ropinirole has also proved effective in addressing sleep disturbances and nocturnal symptoms linked to PD. This activity explores the applications of ropinirole and discusses its indications, contraindications, mechanism of action, adverse events, and essential considerations when using it as a therapy component.

Publication types

  • Study Guide