Religiosity and Psychotic Ideation in Stable Schizophrenia: A Role for Empathic Perspective-Taking

Behav Sci (Basel). 2020 Feb 5;10(2):53. doi: 10.3390/bs10020053.


The relationship between religiosity and different components of empathy was explored in schizophrenia patients. A total of 81 stable schizophrenia patients and 95 controls from the nearby community completed self-reported questionnaires assessing religiosity and empathy (through the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, IRI). Patients with schizophrenia showed higher religiousness than controls and they presented less perspective-taking and empathic concern but increased personal distress in IRI scores. Regression analyses unveiled an association between religiosity and perspective-taking in schizophrenics after adjusting for age, gender, and psychotic symptoms. In conclusion, religiosity in patients with schizophrenia may be linked to variations in perspective- taking as a component of empathy.

Keywords: empathy; mentalizing; perspective-taking; religiosity; schizophrenia.