miR-874 inhibits metastasis-relevant traits via targeting SH2B adaptor protein 1 (SH2B1) in gastric cancer

Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2017 Aug 1;10(8):8577-8584. eCollection 2017.


Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common human cancers and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. The major cause of death is metastasis. Elucidating molecular mechanism of metastasis in gastric cancer will help us to further understand the pathogenesis and progression of the disease, and offer new targets for effective therapies. In this study, we found that SH2B1 overexpression promoted invasion, migration and anoilds resistance and silencing it inhibited invasion, migration and anoilds resistance in gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells. However, over-expressing or silencing it did not affect proliferation in the cells. miR-874 could degrade SH2B1 by targeting its 3'UTR and was negatively associated with metastasis traits in SGC-7901 cells. Its overexpression inhibited proliferation in the cells. Thus, we concluded that miR-874 inhibits metastasis-relevant traits via targeting SH2B1 in gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells.

Keywords: Gastric cancer; SH2B1; metastasis; miR-874.