Challenges of evaluating immunotherapy efficacy in solid tumors

Chin J Cancer Res. 2019 Dec;31(6):853-861. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2019.06.02.


Immunotherapy is one of the most promising treatments for multiple tumor types. The significant clinical benefits and durable responses of immunotherapy have led to the emergence of various immune-related clinical response patterns that extend beyond those achieved with cytotoxic agents. Various studies investigated the efficacy of immunotherapy, including the effect on tumor size, long-term survival benefits, and the ability to overcome the particularly challenging survival curves tailing phenomenon. The current immune-related methods guidelines, such as immune-related Response Criteria (irRC), immune-related Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (irRECIST), immune Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (iRECIST), and immune-modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (imRECIST), could be well-adapted to identify the heterogeneity of responses that appear in patients receiving immunotherapy, such as pseudoprogression (PsPD) and hyperprogressive disease (HPD), and to some extent to overcome the limitation of evaluating the efficacy of immunotherapy on tumor size by imaging. Additionally, a second type of evaluation method was proposed based on survival, which includes milestone analysis and restricted mean survival time. Currently, milestone analysis is a complementary tool to summarize and interpret trial results along with more conventional measures of survival and other less established metrics. A golden standard evaluation method to distinguish the efficacy of immunotherapy may improve the process of imaging and aid survival-based efficacy evaluation in patients with solid tumors.

Keywords: Neoplasms; immunotherapy; milestone analysis; pseudoprogression; response evaluation criteria.