Delamination Mechanics of Carbon Nanotube Micropillars

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2019 Sep 25;11(38):35221-35227. doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b09979. Epub 2019 Sep 12.


The adhesion of carbon nanotube (CNT) forests to their growth substrate is a critical concern for many applications. Here, we measured the delamination force of CNT forest micropillars using in situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) tensile testing. A flat tip with epoxy adhesive first established contact with the top surface of freestanding CNT pillars and then pulled the pillars in displacement-controlled tension until delamination was observed. An average delamination stress of 6.1 MPa was measured, based on the full pillar cross-sectional area, and detachment was observed to occur between catalyst particles and the growth substrate. Finite element simulations of CNT forest delamination show that force and strain are heterogeneously distributed among CNTs during tensile loading and that CNTs progressively lose adhesion with increased displacement. Based on combined experiments and simulations, an adhesion strength of approximately 350 MPa was estimated between each CNT and the substrate. These findings provide important insight into CNT applications such as thermal interfaces, mechanical sensors, and structural composites while also suggesting a potential upper limit of tensile forces allowed during CNT forest synthesis.

Keywords: adhesion; carbon nanotubes; delamination; in situ scanning electron microscopy; simulation.