Intussusception in Adults

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Intussusception takes place when one segment of bowel telescopes into an adjacent bowel segment, causing an obstruction and even intestinal ischemia. This process can lead to multiple complications such as bowel obstruction, bowel necrosis, and sepsis. The disease process is much more common in the pediatric population and uncommon in adults, but when present is likely due to a pathological lead point such as neoplasm.

Intussusception in adults is a challenging diagnosis that requires high clinical suspicion. The challenges occur because abdominal pain is not only one of the most common complaints evaluated in the emergency department but generally a nonspecific complaint. Assessment and management of abdominal pain are primarily dependent on the severity of signs and symptoms present during the evaluation. History, physical exam, and lab values can aid in the process, but imaging is usually needed to make the diagnosis. Intussusception is also challenging in adults because it mimics many alternative diagnoses. If not diagnosed properly, it can cause severe complications that can lead to poor patient outcomes. Definitive treatment is surgical intervention, and good patient outcomes depend on timely diagnosis and recruitment of an interprofessional team composed of doctors, nurses, and technicians. This activity focuses on an in-depth understanding of this rare yet life-threatening emergency.

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