Topological Phase Transition in non-Hermitian Quasicrystals

Phys Rev Lett. 2019 Jun 14;122(23):237601. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.237601.


The discovery of topological phases in non-Hermitian open classical and quantum systems challenges our current understanding of topological order. Non-Hermitian systems exhibit unique features with no counterparts in topological Hermitian models, such as failure of the conventional bulk-boundary correspondence and non-Hermitian skin effect. Advances in the understanding of the topological properties of non-Hermitian lattices with translational invariance have been reported in several recent studies; however little is known about non-Hermitian quasicrystals. Here we disclose topological phases in a quasicrystal with parity-time (PT) symmetry, described by a non-Hermitian extension of the Aubry-André-Harper model. It is shown that the metal-insulating phase transition, observed at the PT symmetry breaking point, is of topological nature and can be expressed in terms of a winding number. A photonic realization of a non-Hermitian quasicrystal is also suggested.