Initialization and Readout of Nuclear Spins via a Negatively Charged Silicon-Vacancy Center in Diamond

Phys Rev Lett. 2019 May 17;122(19):190503. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.190503.


In this Letter, we demonstrate initialization and readout of nuclear spins via a negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV) electron spin qubit. Under Hartmann-Hahn conditions the electron spin polarization is coherently transferred to the nuclear spin. The readout of the nuclear polarization is observed via the fluorescence of the SiV. We also show that the coherence time of the nuclear spin (6 ms) is limited by the electron spin-lattice relaxation due to the hyperfine coupling to the electron spin. This Letter paves the way toward realization of building blocks of quantum hardware with an efficient spin-photon interface based on the SiV color center coupled to a long lasting nuclear memory.