Data on sentiments and emotions of olympic-themed tweets

Data Brief. 2019 Mar 20:24:103869. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103869. eCollection 2019 Jun.


Two code files and one dataset related to Olympic Twitter activity are the foundation for this article. Through Twitter's Spritzer streaming API (Application Programming Interface), we collected over 430 million tweets from May 12th, 2016 to September 12th, 2016 windowing the Rio de Janeiro Olympics and Paralympics. We cleaned and filtered these tweets to contain Olympic-related content. We then analyzed the raw data of 21,218,652 tweets including location data, language, and tweet content to distill the sentiment and emotions of Twitter users pertaining to the Olympic Games Kassens-Noor E. et al., 2019. We generalized the original data set to comply with the Twitter's Terms of Service and Developer agreement, 2018. We present the modified dataset and accompanying code files in this article to suggest using both for further analysis on sentiment and emotions related to the Rio de Janeiro Olympics and for comparative research on imagery and perceptions of other Olympic Games.

Keywords: Emotion lexicon; Olympic; R rdata; Twitter.