Peer crowd segmentation for targeting public education campaigns: Hip hop youth and tobacco use

Prev Med Rep. 2019 Mar 15:14:100843. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019.100843. eCollection 2019 Jun.


This study examines the potential association between strength of Hip Hop peer crowd identification and tobacco use in one of the first large samples of Hip Hop youth in the United States. Data are from a geographically-targeted, address-based convenience sample of 2194 youths aged 12-17 who identify with the Hip Hop peer crowd collected via in-person and web interviews in 30 U.S. media markets in 2015. We examined strength of Hip Hop peer crowd identification, perceived peer tobacco use, and tobacco use outcomes. Overall, 18.3% of Hip Hop youth reported current blunt (cigar with added marijuana) use, followed by electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) (11.6%), cigar (without added marijuana) (8.8%), hookah (6.5%), and cigarette (5.6%) use. Stronger Hip Hop peer crowd identification was associated with increased odds of using cigarettes (OR = 2.25, p < 0.05), cigars (OR = 2.14, p < 0.05), and blunts (OR = 1.61, p < 0.05), controlling for demographic characteristics and perceived peer tobacco use. Results suggest that a Hip Hop peer crowd-targeted public education prevention campaign for youth can be promising for a variety of tobacco products.

Keywords: CTP, Center for Tobacco Products; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Media campaigns; OR, Odds Ratio; Tobacco prevention; Tobacco use.