Mixed methods process evaluation of pilot implementation of the African Federation for Emergency Medicine trauma data project protocol in Ethiopia

Afr J Emerg Med. 2019;9(Suppl):S28-S31. doi: 10.1016/j.afjem.2019.01.009. Epub 2019 Feb 4.


Introduction: The African Federation for Emergency Medicine Trauma Data Project (AFEM-TDP) has created a protocol for trauma data collection in resource-limited settings using a clinical chart with embedded standardized data points that facilitates a systematic approach to injured patients. We performed a process evaluation of the protocol's implementation at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to provide insights for adapting the protocol to our setting.

Methods: During the pilot implementation period, the quality of collected data was assessed. Structured key informant interviews about participant experiences and perceptions of the protocol implementation were then conducted. Interviews were analysed using a SWOT model.

Results: During pilot data collection, the overall capture rate was 21%. Variables collected with high frequency included demographics, vital signs and ED diagnosis, while mechanism of injury and ED disposition were often missed. Key informant interviews identified Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to the protocol. Strengths included improved patient care, enhanced training for junior providers and facilitated data collection. Weaknesses included inadequate supervision and challenges relating to the physical size of the form, which resulted in missing data. Opportunities included retrospective research and quality improvement work. Threats included perceived lack of a local champion, poor buy-in from other hospital departments and need for ongoing financial support.

Conclusion: A mixed methods process evaluation is an invaluable tool when implementing novel data collection protocols, especially in resource-limited settings. We determined early successes and challenges of the implementation of the AFEM-TDP protocol and generated strategies to adapt the protocol to better suit our setting. Lessons from this process evaluation may be informative for other researchers designing and implementing similar data collection protocols.

Keywords: Africa; Epidemiology; Ethiopia; Implementation research; Quality improvement; Trauma registry.