Influence of physicochemical characteristics of flour on pancake quality attributes

J Food Sci Technol. 2019 Mar;56(3):1349-1359. doi: 10.1007/s13197-019-03607-x. Epub 2019 Feb 13.


This study was conducted to identify the influence of flour characteristics of 13 Korean wheat cultivars on quality attributes of pancake. Pancake diameter showed negative correlation with SRC with distilled water and pancake height and positive correlation with springiness of cooked pancake. Springiness of baked pancake was under negative correlation with protein content, SDSS, dry gluten content, and positive correlation with final viscosity and setback in pasting properties of flour. Springiness and cohesiveness of baked pancake were under negative correlation with mixing time of Mixograph. Hardness of baked pancake was correlated with amylose content and breakdown of flour. Regression and principal component analysis indicated that pancake diameter, and springiness and cohesiveness of baked pancake can be explained by protein quantity and quality parameters, protein content, SDSS, mixing time of Mixograph, and SRCs related to protein content. Hardness of baked pancake can be predicted from amylose content and breakdown of flour. Batter viscosity as well as texture of cooked pancake could be influenced by protein quality and quantity according to grain hardness.

Keywords: Flour characteristic; Korean wheat; Pancake making; Quality; Texture.