The jamming avoidance response in echolocating bats

Commun Integr Biol. 2019 Jan 17;12(1):10-13. doi: 10.1080/19420889.2019.1568818. eCollection 2019.


Bats face many sources of acoustic interference in their natural environments, including other bats and potential prey items that affect their ability to interpret the returning echoes of their biosonar signals. To be able to navigate and forage successfully, bats must be able to counteract this interference and one of the ways they achieve this is by altering the various parameters of their echolocation. We describe these changes in signal design within the context of a modified definition of the jamming avoidance response originally applied to the signal changes of weakly electric fish. Both of these groups use active sensory systems that exhibit similarities in function but we take this opportunity to highlight major differences each groups' response to signal interference. These discrepancies form the basis of our need for an expanded description of the jamming avoidance response in echolocating bats.

Keywords: Jamming avoidance response; active sensing; bats; echolocation; weakly electric fish.

Publication types

  • Review

Grants and funding

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program [1452598].