Quality Assurance: National and International

J Food Prot. 1981 Jul;44(7):553-555. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X-44.7.553.


In this age of instant communication, product quality complaints or adverse publicity originating from any point on the globe can have potentially world-wide repercussions and devastating effects on any firm operating on an international basis. For this reason, effective Quality Assurance must ensure that all products made by a firm throughout the world are safe, wholesome and in compliance with company quality standards and all applicable regulatory requirements. Borden, which operates food and dairy plants in more than 22 countries and markets its products in more than 100 countries, is committed to establish in all non-U.S. food and dairy plants the same standards of product safety and quality required of domestic plants. To achieve adherence to this company policy on a world-wide basis, Corporate Quality Assurance put into effect a comprehensive program entailing a formula approval procedure, quality and process control procedures, a process deviation reporting and evaluating system, plant sanitation inspections, product compliance audits and an effective communication system.