Bacteria Interactive Cost and Balanced-Compromised Approach to Clustering and Transmission Boundary-Range Cognitive Routing In Mobile Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Sensors (Basel). 2019 Feb 19;19(4):867. doi: 10.3390/s19040867.


The improvement of stable, energy-efficient mobile-based clustering and routing protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has become indispensable so as to develop large-scale, versitale, and adaptive applications. Data is gathered more efficiently and the total path length is shortened optimally by means of mobile sink (MS). Two algorithms as bacterial interaction based cluster head (CH) selection and energy and transmission boundary range cognitive routing algorithm with novel approach for heterogeneous mobile networks are proposed in this study. The more reliable and powerful CH selection is made with the greedy approach that is based on the interaction fitness value, energy node degree, and distance to adjacent nodes in a compromised manner. The best trajectories, thanks to intersection edge points of the visited CHs, are obtained in the proposed routing algorithm. In this way, the MS entry to transmission range boundaries of the CH has been a sufficient strategy to collect information. As in energy model, we adopt energy consumption costs of listening and sensing channel as well as transmit and receive costs. Comprehensive performance analyzes have been seriously carried out via the Matlab 2016a environment. We validate that the proposed scheme outperforms existing studies in terms of several performance metrics as simulations.

Keywords: cluster head selection; mobile cognitive routing; nature(bio)-inspired optimization; sink trajectory length; wireless sensor networks.