First Detection of Scale-Dependent Linear Halo Bias in N-Body Simulations with Massive Neutrinos

Phys Rev Lett. 2019 Feb 1;122(4):041302. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.041302.


Using N-body simulations with massive neutrino density perturbations, we detect the scale-dependent linear halo bias with high significance. This is the first time that this effect is detected in simulations containing neutrino density perturbations on all scales, confirming the same finding from separate universe simulations. The scale dependence is the result of the additional scale in the system, i.e., the massive neutrino free-streaming length, and it persists even if the bias is defined with respect to the cold dark matter plus baryon (instead of total matter) power spectrum. The separate universe approach provides a good model for the scale-dependent linear bias, and the effect is approximately 0.25f_{ν} and 0.43f_{ν} for halos with bias of 1.7 and 3.5, respectively. While the size of the effect is small, it is not insignificant in terms of f_{ν} and should therefore be included to accurately constrain neutrino mass from clustering statistics of biased tracers. More importantly, this feature is a distinct signature of free-streaming particles and cannot be mimicked by other components of the standard cosmological model.