Sepsis: Changing Definitions, Unchanging Treatment

Front Pediatr. 2019 Jan 23:6:425. doi: 10.3389/fped.2018.00425. eCollection 2018.


The recently revised Sepsis-3 definitions were based on criteria that were derived and validated in adult patient databases from high income countries. Both sepsis and septic shock continue to account for a substantial proportion of mortality globally, especially amongst children in low-and-middle income country settings. It is therefore urgent to develop and validate standardized criteria for sepsis that can be applied to pediatric populations in different settings, including in- and outside intensive care, both in high- and low/middle- income countries. This will be a pre-requisite to evaluate the impact of sepsis treatment strategies to improve clinical outcomes.

Keywords: definitions; pediatric populations; sepsis; septic shock; treatment bundles.