Distal Radius Fractures

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Emergency Department and primary care clinics are frequently called on to evaluate orthopedic complaints. It is essential for most providers to feel confident in the management of fundamental orthopedic problems. Fractures involving the distal radius (DR) of the forearm are common. The incidence of radial fractures is increasing as life expectancy grows, leading to a larger population of patients who are at risk for these injuries. Distal radial fractures are seen predominantly in children/adolescents and the elderly. Fracture patterns, management, and complications differ between these age groups. It is crucial for providers to understand these distinctions, to know which fracture patterns are emergent, and to refer for further management in an appropriate time frame. Providers must have an understanding of forearm and wrist anatomy, and the recommendation here is that that readers review this topic in conjunction with this article. This chapter will review the epidemiology/etiology, as well as the eponymous fractures, management, and complications of distal radial fractures.

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  • Study Guide