Methodology for Inoculating Sweetpotato Virus Disease: Discovery of Tip Dieback, and Plant Recovery and Reversion in Different Clones

Plant Dis. 2013 Jan;97(1):30-36. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-12-11-1072-RE.


Evaluating sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) genotypes for resistance to sweetpotato virus disease (SPVD) has been slow and inefficient. Ipomoea setosa plants, normally used as the source of scions for graft-infecting sweetpotatoes with viral diseases, are often severely stunted and their mortality is 10 to 30% when infected with SPVD, making them unsuitable as scions. Tanzania, a landrace of I. batatas widely grown in East Africa, was found to be a superior host for maintaining and increasing SPVD inoculum (scions) for mass grafting. Modifications to a cleft-grafting technique also increased survival of grafted SPVD-affected scions from 5 to 100%. These modifications, coupled with an efficient SPVD scoring technique, allowed rapid screening of large sweetpotato populations for SPVD resistance. Plant recovery from SPVD is reported here as a component of SPVD resistance. Differences in recovery from SPVD were detected among progenies, indicating its genetic basis. Plant tip dieback, a hypersensitivity response, was observed only in families with cv. Wagabolige as a parent. These findings may open up new opportunities for improved understanding and control of this devastating disease.