High-sensitivity Troponins after a Standardized 2-hour Treadmill Run

J Med Biochem. 2018 Jul 1;37(3):364-372. doi: 10.1515/jomb-2017-0055. eCollection 2018 Jul.


Background: The aim of this study was to examine high-sensitivity troponin T and I (hsTnT and hsTnI) after a treadmill run under laboratory conditions and to find a possible connection with echocardiographic, laboratory and other assessed parameters.

Methods: Nineteen trained men underwent a standardized 2-hour-long treadmill run. Concentrations of hsTnT and hsTnI were assessed before the run, 60, 120 and 180 minutes after the start and 24 hours after the run. Changes in troponins were tested using non-parametric analysis of variance (ANOVA). The multiple linear regression model was used to find the explanatory variables for hsTnT and hsTnI changes. Values of troponins were evaluated using the 0h/1h algorithm.

Results: Changes in hsTnT and hsTnI levels were statistically significant (p<0.0001 and p<0.0001, respectively). In a multiple regression model (adjusted R2: 0.60, p=0.005 for hsTnT and adjusted R2: 0.60, p=0.005 for hsTnI), changes in both troponins can be explained by relative left wall thickness (LV), training volume, body temperature after the run and creatinine changes. According to the 0h/1h algorithm, none of the runners was evaluated as negative.

Conclusions: Relative LV wall thickness, creatinine changes, training volume and body temperature after the run can predict changes in hsTnT and hsTnI levels. When medical attention is needed after physical exercise, hsTn levels should be tested only when clinical suspicion and the patient's history indicate a high probability of myocardial damage.

Uvod: Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispitaju nivoi visokoosetljivih troponina T i I (hsTnT i hsTnI) posle trčanja na pokretnoj traci u laboratorijskim uslovima i da se utvrdi potencijalna povezanost sa ehokardiografskim, laboratorijskim i ostalim procenjivanim parametrima.

Metode: Devetnaestorica muškaraca podvrgnuti su standardizovanom dvočasovnom trčanju na pokretnoj traci. Koncentracije hsTnT i hsTnI određene su pre trčanja, zatim 60, 120 i 180 minuta posle početka i 24 časa posle završetka trčanja. Promene u troponinima testirane su pomoću testa ANOVA. Model višestruke linearne regresije upotrebljen je za pronalaženje eksplanatornih varijabli za promene u hsTnT i hsTnI. Vrednosti troponina određene su pomoću algoritma 0h/1h.

Rezultati: Promene u nivoima hsTnT i hsTnI bile su statistički značajne (p<0,0001 i p<0,0001). U modelu višestruke regresije (prilagođeni R2: 0,60, p=0,005 za hsTnT i prilagođeni R2: 0,60, p=0,005 za hsTnI), promene oba troponina mogu se objasniti promenama u relativnoj debljini levog zida (LV), obimu prethodnih treninga, temperaturi tela posle trčanja i kreatininu. Prema algoritmu 0h/1h, nijedan od trkača nije ocenjen kao negativan.

Zaključak: Relativna debljina zida LV, promene u nivou kreatinina, obim prethodnih treninga i temperatura tela posle trčanja mogu predvideti promene u nivoima hsTnT i hsTnI.

Keywords: echocardiography; high-sensitivity troponins; running; standardized exercise.