Effective Three-Body Interactions in Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Systems

Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 2;8(1):16253. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33907-9.


A generalisation of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model for coupled-cavity arrays is introduced, where the embedded two-level system in each cavity is replaced by a Ξ-type three-level system. We demonstrate that the resulting effective polariton-polariton interactions at each site are both two-body and three-body. By tuning the ratio of the two transition dipole matrix elements, we show that the strength and sign of the two-body interaction can be controlled whilst maintaining a three-body repulsion. We then proceed to demonstrate how different two-body and three-body interactions alter the mean field superfluid-Mott insulator phase diagram, with the possible emergence of a pair superfluid phase in the two-body attractive regime.