A case of acute coronary syndrome caused by delayed coronary ischemia after transcatheter aortic valve implantation

J Cardiol Cases. 2017 Dec 8;17(4):107-110. doi: 10.1016/j.jccase.2017.11.003. eCollection 2018 Apr.


An 84-year-old female patient suffered from dyspnea due to severe aortic stenosis. Several comorbidities and her advanced age made her acceptable for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The TAVI procedure was performed via a femoral access and a 26-mm CoreValve prosthesis (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) was implanted. The prosthesis was deployed at a high position because of short distance between the annulus base and coronary arteries. Aortic angiography indicated normal contrast flow into both coronary arteries. Six months later she was readmitted to our hospital because of acute coronary syndrome. Although selective intubation of coronary arteries could not be achieved because of high valve position, both coronary arteries seemed to be well contrasted. As a consequence, the second coronary angiography was undertaken because of recurring chest pains. The aortic root angiogram showed a decreased contrast flow into both coronary arteries. During the examination she deteriorated rapidly, developed cardiopulmonary arrest, and a percutaneous cardiopulmonary support and an intra-aortic balloon pump needed to be inserted. She was then transferred to the operating room for aortic valve replacement. This is the first case of delayed coronary ischemia after TAVI, necessitating the removal of an implanted CoreValve and its replacement with a new prosthetic valve. <Learning objective: The higher position of the CoreValve implanted in the transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedure can rarely induce coronary obstruction, especially in patients with low lying coronary ostia and a small sinus of Valsalva. Percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass graft are sometimes difficult in these patients, and replacement of the prosthetic valve may be an alternative. Patients with higher CoreValve position require close follow up to recognize any coronary perfusion defects at an early stage.>.

Keywords: Delayed coronary ischemia; Transcatheter aortic valve implantation; Valve replacement.

Publication types

  • Case Reports