Statistical properties of eigenstate amplitudes in complex quantum systems

Phys Rev E. 2018 Aug;98(2-1):022204. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.022204.


We study the eigenstates of quantum systems with large Hilbert spaces, via their distribution of wave-function amplitudes in a real-space basis. For single-particle "quantum billiards," these real-space amplitudes are known to have Gaussian distribution for chaotic systems. In this work, we formulate and address the corresponding question for many-body lattice quantum systems. For integrable many-body systems, we examine the deviation from Gaussianity and provide evidence that the distribution generically tends toward power-law behavior in the limit of large sizes. We relate the deviation from Gaussianity to the entanglement content of many-body eigenstates. For integrable billiards, we find several cases where the distribution has power-law tails.