Topological Transitions Induced by Antiferromagnetism in a Thin-Film Topological Insulator

Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Aug 31;121(9):096802. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.096802.


Magnetism in topological insulators (TIs) opens a topologically nontrivial exchange band gap, providing an exciting platform for manipulating the topological order through an external magnetic field. Here, we show that the surface of an antiferromagnetic thin film can magnetize the top and the bottom TI surface states through interfacial couplings. During the magnetization reversal, intermediate spin configurations are ascribed from unsynchronized magnetic switchings. This unsynchronized switching develops antisymmetric magnetoresistance spikes during magnetization reversals, which might originate from a series of topological transitions. With the high Néel ordering temperature provided by the antiferromagnetic layers, the signature of the induced topological transition persists up to ∼90 K.