Treating electroconvulsive therapy-induced mania with more electroconvulsive therapy: Evidence for electroconvulsive therapy as the ultra-mood stabilizer

SAGE Open Med Case Rep. 2018 Sep 10:6:2050313X18799236. doi: 10.1177/2050313X18799236. eCollection 2018.


Electroconvulsive therapy has been described as a mood stabilizer, as it is effective in all stages of bipolar disorder. Electroconvulsive therapy-induced mania is a known and potentially dangerous risk of treating bipolar depression with electroconvulsive therapy and there are no established guidelines for the management of electroconvulsive therapy-induced mania. We report a case of electroconvulsive therapy-induced mania where electroconvulsive therapy was continued as the sole, effective antimanic agent, which is the first described case in literature.

Keywords: Electroconvulsive therapy; bipolar disorder; electroconvulsive therapy–induced mania; mood stabilizer.

Publication types

  • Case Reports